Website OverHaul
Postby admin » Sat May 29, 2010 1:34 am
I'd like to start off by saying that I actually do read and respond to every support ticket. I have received a number of responses to how the site was setup. Free members were asking questions like, "How am I supposed to earn anything here?" I have received a number of suggestions, and even though I said I wouldn't make changes - I decided with the feedback I was having that it was time to make a change to keep people happy and clicking with us.
It's hard to upgrade when you haven't had a successful trial YET with receiving your payment. I'm sure with all the payment proofs coming in that you're also very excited to have your own story to tell! If you haven't been paid yet, keep going - you will! This site has not lied in the amount we have paid out, like other paid-to sites.
Changes won't often happen, but recommendations are always accepted - but keep in mind that I have to balance how changes affect the Clickers, the Advertisers, and the Site as a whole.
I've made it a lot easier for both free and upgraded members to earn money.
Standard 100 Refs Average of 4 clicks a day
$1.04 per day $31.20 per month $379.60 per year
Golden 100 Refs Average of 4 clicks a day
$2.09 per day $62.70 per month $762.85 per year
Golden 1000 Refs Average of 4 clicks a day
$20.09 per day $602.70 per month $7332.85 per year
Golden Members can have UNLIMITED referrals.
AlertPay will soon be the only payment processor we'll use. Why? *INSTANT PAYMENTS*
We are currently calibrating everything with AlertPay. PayPal & AlertPay have both been available for our members in the past. Going forward we will drop PayPal to continue Instant AlertPay Payments to our members. Having the funds coming into two different accounts was difficult and time consuming to send to AlertPay to send payments, plus AlertPay has lengthy processing times to new Admins. PayPal may return in the future - we'll see how things go.
Get the word out to Advertise with us! We need sponsors to place ads on our site, otherwise no one can earn with us. We are paying, and always will - so keep those advertisers coming our way and we'll have the funding to send money YOUR way!
Charles Scoville
Earnings Estimator
AlhamduLILLAH Lumayan... ;)
PO selanjutnya sepertinya tidak perlu saya Posting lagi di Blog.
PO-PO tersebut sepertinya sudah mewakili bahwa kedua PTC tersebut adalah PTC yang Legit dan bukan termasuk PTC SCAM dan layak untuk Anda semua ikuti....
Kalo Anda ingin join dengan kedua PTC diatas Anda bisa Klik Link BANNER di Bawah Ini!!
OK Terima Kasih dan Salam Sukses semuanya.....
Pesen dari Admin TVIptc yang ini sangat menguntungkan member.... Admin memberikan reward semacam "Pay per Action" bagi member yang bisa mengarahkan pengiklan untuk beriklan di, Lumayan $1 jika kita bisa mempunyai referral yang mau beriklan di TVIptc dan itu berarti jika Anda adalah UPGRADE member maka saat itu juga Anda sudah bisa request PayOut karena UPGRADE member minimum PayOutnya hanya $1 terus-menerus tidak perduli itu PayOut ke berapa ;)
Ok saya copy kan pesan dari Admin dan silahkan di baca....
Thanks for choosing as one of your paid-to-click sites! We're so happy you're here earning money and posting ads!
To show our appreciation to you, we are now giving $1 to anyone who refers an advertiser.
That's right! Bring an advertiser to our site that places an ad for 1,000 visitors or more, and receive $1 to your Account Balance.
This will help you reach minimum payout a lot faster! If you've upgraded, you will reach your $1 minimum payout instantly!
Thanks again for clicking with us!
Sekarang Payout minimal bagi member upgrade hanya $1, Gak sabar kalo harus nunggu sampai banyak ;)
AlhamduLILLAH sudah 4 kali Payout ;)
AlhamduLILLAH balance PAYPAL subsidi $2 untuk referral saya yang UPGRADE sudah terkirim....
Ayo siapa berikutnya..... ;)
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